Thursday, January 23, 2014

Natural Help for Coughs and Ear Infections

Since it's that time of year I wanted to share a product that I didn't learn about till this year.  Our pediatrician told me about buckwheat honey, that it's proven to be just as effective as guaifenesin for coughs.  My son had been struggling with a cough for a few weeks and we had been using the mucinex for kids, I was desperate one night and pulled it out, he would cough to the point of puking.  Anyway he did end up on a round of antibiotics ( as much as I love to avoid them) but the dr also told me about Zarbees, it's flavor is more appealing than the molasses taste of buckwheat honey and the nighttime version has melatonin in it!  We've had some pesky coughs around here again and I have not had to be up in the night with anyone coughing, if I someone is not getting to sleep, we use the Zarbees, then it takes a little bit and sleep ensues.  SO nice to know I'm giving the kids something healthy and natural with no additives in it.  I also use a humidifier with a few drops of ecucalyptus oil. 

From "Eucalyptus oil uses have long been known to include anything regarding the respiratory system, including during asthma attacks, bronchitis infections, colds, and more. But there are dozens more little known uses for this essential oil." check out more here.

My other go to item is Wally's Ear Oil.  Refer to this post if you'd like to read how we kicked my son's ear infection without antibiotics last year.  We were able to avoid the dr. twice!

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