Original post date 10/27/08
Well I last colored my hair 7 months ago with all natural henna dye and itwas a pain, on for 2 hrs, I felt like it colored my grays blonde and taht stuff is a bear to get out, it's like dried dirt and it pulled a lot of my hair out with it. Since thyroid issues, from both the imbalance and my med which can cause hairloss, gotta ask the dr about that, I lose way too much hair when I shampoo. And now my ponytail's about half as big as it was.... kinda scary, I used to have annoyingly thick hair, as in I bought my own thinning shears, and now it's I thinking, ok scary, I can wrap the rubberband around more than once here. So anyway after reading how the haircolor you buy at the store is HIGH hazard, pretty much all of it, otherwise I would've colored by now, I researched and found this ecocolors brand. Here is a blog entry I found interesting too while researching. http://organic-skin-care.blogspot.com/2006/06/ugly-side-of-cosmetics.html. So if you care about haircolor toxicity check out the info, I personally don't need anything harsh causing anymore of my hair to fall out. And just check the database in my fyi section and search haircolor if you want to know the ugly truth about the stuff on the shelves.
*update: my hair is much thicker, hormones balanced I would imagine. Since we are talking about hair I will throw this out there in case it helps anyone. About two and a half months after I had my last baby, I was started dropping hair like CRAZY!!! I even posted pics on facebook to freak people out ;) wads and wads one night. If you're freaking out about postpartum hairloss, it WILL stop in a few months and it will grow back, sure it looks kinda weird with all these little short hair growing back in but they are a welcome sight. Another thing related to hormones. Around the same time I also developed a case of hives that lasted 7 weeks. So if you are freaking out about that, maybe knowing this could help you. There were huge huge hives. It was so strange, but they went away...I know they say 6 weeks is an acute case and beyond that is chronic. I have my whole life gotten the random little hive, but these were huge, inch or 2 in diamter. So if it helps anyone freaking out like I did. good.
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